Price Match Guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

At PEAK, we are committed to providing our customers with the best value for their hard-earned money. We understand that finding the best deals is important to you, which is why we offer our Price Match Guarantee. Our promise is simple: If you find a lower price on an identical product from a competitor, we will match that price, ensuring you get the best possible deal when shopping with us.

Here's how our Price Match Guarantee works:

  1. Eligible Products: The product you wish to price match must be identical to the one we offer, including the brand, model, size, color, and any other relevant specifications. It must also be in stock and available for purchase from a reputable competitor.

  2. Competitor Requirements: We will match prices from authorized retailers or e-commerce websites located within the same geographic area as our store. The competitor's price must be publicly advertised and verifiable.

  3. Proof of Lower Price: To request a price match, simply bring in the advertisement, website link, or any other proof of the lower price to one of our store locations or contact our customer service team online. We will verify the lower price and confirm the eligibility of the product.

  4. Price Adjustment: Once the lower price is verified and the product is deemed eligible, we will adjust the price of the item you wish to purchase to match the competitor's price. You will then be able to make your purchase at the matched price.

  5. Limitations: Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to clearance, closeout, refurbished, open-box, or damaged items. We also do not price match products sold by third-party sellers on online marketplaces or auction websites.

  6. Competitor Exclusions: We do not match prices from competitors' pricing errors, club memberships, or any other special promotions that are not available to the general public.

  7. One-time Use: The Price Match Guarantee can be used once per identical item. It cannot be combined with any other discounts, coupons, or offers.

Why shop with confidence at PEAK?

Our Price Match Guarantee ensures that you can shop with confidence, knowing that you are getting the best possible price. We are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and value your trust in us as your preferred shopping destination.

If you have any questions about our Price Match Guarantee or would like to request a price match, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team atĀ or ph: 0491 718 082. Your satisfaction is our priority.